SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

The only plan that I want to happen 100% is to jail simon tonight and execute him tommorow. Other than that, people can act as they wish.

If Simon flips Mastermind D4, what do we do?
Whoā€™d be imprisoned?
Who would Assassin be considered as?
Would Kyo Cold Steel anyone tonight?
Who would Noz check tonight?
Who would Frost protect tonight?

If we discuss this all and majority agree on a plan.
Then I think we can logically carry out the night and just have game end early rather than take up such a long time for something we already know is gonna happen.

I donā€™t want a planned game. For non brainer type, itā€™s no fun at all.


Not to mention scum will find loophole somewhere, so my moral of FoL10 as Butler:

Donā€™t be sheep!


Iā€™d rather us get through this game quickly.
As it means weā€™d have a new challenge available.
One which isnā€™t predetermined as much.
As 2 attackers on 1 immune person is pretty scummy and will screw over his faction.

Let alone us consider this is day flipping 3 and already game is on lock.
We need not delay any more. Do we?

We DONT know whatā€™s going to happen. So many results of different checks and occupations happen every single night, there is absolutely no way we can predict what tommorow will be like. Thatā€™s why we need the discussion time.

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Well said Marl.

Exactly! Big grand plan that cover all circumstances give no room for small people to talk out of intimidation.

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Iā€™ll see you guys Day 4 then.

I do like to point out that sheep leading the lions is more dangerous than lion leading the sheeps.

Also, if you solve all games with a plan that everyone must follow because you are the leader or something, itā€™s boring.

Why in three different coloured pencil sharpener would I join a game then

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If you havenā€™t got the time for the game, weā€™ll kindly help you out of it.

I encourage whoever hasnā€™t yet to vote up PKR.

(PKR If you are a duchess or the assassin, I applaud your well thought out arguments for us to kill simon today, knowing your chances would be slim if he were to die d4. If you are legitimately BD and are frustrated that we wonā€™t listen, surely you can see our reasoning?)

Leave me alone, donā€™t vote me.
I wouldnā€™t just leave that long anyway.
Iā€™m just frustrated.
Deeply frustrated.

What I did differently is that I occupied someone else rather he listed for me to do, heā€™s not happy I didnā€™t listen and was threatened to get voted because I know being sheep is destructive but you canā€™t stray too much of this either, turns out I have occupied converted court wizard (JammySplodge) which is pretty much dangerous to let her live.

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btw If this is all faked Noz is right, youā€™re a silver tongued bastard and you know how to pull literally every single pity string in my body.

My mind says hang PKR but my heart tells me no

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Donā€™t buddy so hard to the mm next time. You should have said you were princess and found him to be social/support instead btw, cuz now you brought a shitshow down on you.

sympathy* not pity.

My mind, heart, and stomach all tell me to hang PKR.

Wasnā€™t it Simon who brought this up?