SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

I guess…

For now.


Be right back, don’t put all the salt over someone when I get back ok?

Yeah, I am just sheep.

If you’re sticking to your scorned claim, what do you claim your actions were N1 and 2?

BTW, I count 5 votes for PKR so far. We need 3 more, yeah?

What is your opinion on PKR please.

As you’re the person keeping my ass alive, I would also like to hear your reads on PKR.

(when someonce clicked on your img)

I framed pkr n1 and did nothing n2


Was cough your tell to the assassin that he should poison me?! reeee hang insanity :^) (joke)

It would be too wise for me.

So it won’t happened.

/vote Insanoty Begone insanity!

(like that will ever happen FeelsBadMan /unvote)

Let’s presume PKR is the assassin and he get executed today, the converted member turns into Assassin that have chance killing someone while Simon is in jail which is fine, we can afford loses long enough to execute the remaining assassin that have no support whatsoever.

But that means it wouldn’t make sense for Simon to claim Scorned since PKR may be starter Assassin.

One way is to find converted member today and get him executed, the assassin have to be jailed and executed. While that means Simon is able to convert again but we need observer claim to follow him so we know who we are dealing with.

But if we’re letting all live today, the best way would be executing the assassin tonight rather than today, the mastermind can’t do anything except searching someone for class type - so just in case we don’t have converted mercenary that kill one voter on PKR (Which is unfortunate enough that we just did, but at least I am not taking that risk) this is the only converted class that can attack at will unlike the enforcer who have nothing to protect that won’t die and can’t visit the prince through his member.

Let’s say it’s not the most realistic situation and that doesn’t have to be true, I am looking for possibilities.

I don’t actually think PKR can be the starting assassin since he was occupied attacked and healed n1, while Burrito was also attacked. (2 total attacks, so unless there is another nk or someone claims to have yolobombed pkr/burrito) I think it’s more likely that Polik attacked PKR and the starting assassin attacked Burrito, while the Mastermind went to convert PKR.

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Simon claims alche ._.

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Lol, not gonna contract them. That would be suicide v.2.0

Yes and

There is already 3 neutrals, from wich 2 confirmed.

NK’s are now unique and maximum count for neutrals are four, the neutral king doesn’t count to the cap.


these two claims are confirmed and that leaves for possible Masochist, Fool and Scorned claims. But it’s possible that we only have three neutrals since we can’t confirm the occupying class and Masochist shares same ability as Drunk but Wolfy’s actions are pro-BD since he want to be Deputy’ed if Noz should died.

Well thank you for making short version of that, Eevee.

Simon claimed Scorned after that, Eevee.