SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

It literally doesn’t matter at all how many neutrals there are. It is impossible for frost to be anything but assassin.

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Stop wasting time I am the assassin then, even the alchemist can get caught and forced to kill someone else because of Drunk.

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But you are still assassin.



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Hell, I was expecting Kyo to coldsteel me back at Day Two so I can prove it.

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That is not why you are the assasin! The reason your guaranteed to be assassin is that you lied about healing PKR N1.

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I did show my logs, try reading it’s fun.

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No point reading yours when I know your assassin lul.

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Don’t make me do another poll. I will if I have to.

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Wow, you are just clumsy as stupid, only thinking of one thing. Think outside the box.

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Do you even have proof that AgentBoin ‘attacked’ Simon?

No, you don’t.

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Oh yeah.

Some assassin would be dumb enough to out their mastermind.


That’s why PKR mentioned that

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Oh yeah.

The Assassin.

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You mean the converted member turned Assassin that’s AgentBoin.

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Oh yeah.

Hail Agent who out their mastermind.

10/10 plays.

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Yes I’m “def” assassin… please. Why would I bomb simon and reveal that then? also you had orders as alch to heal ma but didn’t do them. I did. now bye bye

/vote frosty

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Have fun while it last, Assassin.

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yes I will. but why would you push out an neut claim a sanothe rneut? just shows that you’re not neut but okay. You’re too obvious forsty.

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Frost that literally does not matter at all. Let me spell it out.

  1. Dama blocked PKR N1. (the only way your not assassin is if this didn’t happen and Dama is scum which I doubt.
  2. Burrito was attacked N1. This is confirmed.
  3. PKR claimed to have been saved. You say it was you.
  4. PKR was assassin. This means only 1 person was attacked N1 so someone is lying.
  5. Burrito is confirmed BD as he is dead. PKR must have lied. This makes sense as he was trying to make himself less sus.
  6. PKR was not attacked and healed. You must have lied.
  7. Only reason you would lie was if you were converted member backing up assassin.
  8. You are now assassin.

There is a lot of evidence from scumreading to back this up, especially PKR’s posts around the time when frost claimed physician.

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You are NOT Neutral, if it wasn’t for Wolfy you would be dead by now.

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