SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

@Ami @Insanity @Damafaud @Hippolytus
Unless you want the mastermind to get another convert off, I highly suggest you all change to a pardon.


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Marl you realize you can jail and exe?

I say let the man jail Brax, jail ability should always be available

I tried and he specifically told me I could not jail while a trial is in progress. Pardon so I can jail someone.


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rip discord.

Either way, I think Frost should be pardoned so Noz can check him. Honestly I think Brax’s “remember that debauch is different from in game” was something to throw us off and make us suspect Frostwolf. The debauch wouldn’t have worked on Frost anyway.

Simon is a super safe lynch today.


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inb4 Strangle is an evil king and comes in and force executes so Simon can get a convert off.

oh noes

inb4 Marluxion is the Mastermind and Simon is the prince.

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Looks at Simon
They’re onto us.

Next time, Hippolytus - don’t scare me.

He used Royal Finger like true sheep he is.

Ayy so everyone with common sense just needs to come in and vote pardon.

BTW that execute from simon should indicate how scummy he is. Hang him instead.

2 exe, 4 pardon.

The majority have to be 6.

Now I have done made fool of myself, I am going to claim that I got poisoned before I got to stand, but not because of Hippolytus.

And the only thing I agree to play along with this Physician claim is so I can betray the unseen.

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Meh, you die tonight

change to /pardon