SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Simon would have been more active and not do something gamethrowing by claiming Scorned with starter assassin as one of two targets, he would have gone for the merc.

Turns out we got no observer either so that was for nothing either.

BD just made a lot of sensible plays, some unintentional.

Dama blocking PKR N1 undoubtedly won us the game this early so he is somehow the mvp. Kyo made a good call steeling Simon, as did eevee for calling him out first (although technically he wasnā€™t BD he basically was). Insanity remembering Maid was also good but kind of obvious I guess.


Unseen sort of need at least one BD cock up to capitalise on but that never happened.

At least we didnā€™t have inactive sheriff where scum failed to claim that class.


Considering sheriff could check 2 people a night it was pretty impressive of noz to not have found any scum at all.


Wouldnā€™t that 3 persons per day and night?

I also remember when Deputy is night ability before the host decide to change it.

So basically, I was the one that says Nuclear have to die N2.

That slowed down for sure otherwise PKR would be caught much earlier when Nuclear find out heā€™s not from royal blood with his princess claim.

Why PKR decide that I healed him, I never know.

He thought it was susp that he was blocked and only 1 attack.

Personally I didnā€™t actually notice that at all but the second he said he got some actions in a seperate pm I was immediately suspicious of him. When you corroborated his claim I thought he was inno untill he defended him Simon so obviously.

To be fair, Noz was jailed n1 so thatā€™s a thing

Yeah I know, I just find it funny that the buffed Sheriff played no part in defeating the Unseen so quickly in a mode which should be heavily in favour of the Unseen.



And how many people are converted again?

(Should I be triggered that white part of your flag blend into the background?)

Try using dark screen then.

Post Edit - Sorry that sounded rude, but itā€™s just an idea as I hated using the white screen myself since the white from the flags blended in to it

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Unconvertable Sheriff, I wonder where iā€™ve seen that before :^)

