SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Wait, what kind of king are you?!

A bad one

Revealing my faction will just make me an important target.

So unless something can prevent my conversion I ainā€™t telling it.

Whoever occupied PKR please do so again. It is likely he is a killer who realized it was sus that he was blocked and one less attack so is now claiming attacked belatedly.

If heā€™s also telling the truth then holy shit our healers are on point.

Anyways well can someone block conversions other then me?

Pkr I have been pushing a no lynch this whole time. If we have the assassin on lockdown (which we very well might) then we can take our time for a bit. From there more healers just means more chances to prevent more attacks and buy more time for Investigators to find MM and NK.

How is hanging the scummy alch a scum move jn anyway rofl. You canā€™t generalise so broadly. At times it is very scummy to focus on neutrals, often later on, but at times it is very valid

The whole neuts in vs neuts out thing in ToL is for exceedingly ignorant people who can only grasp simple ideas so have to simplify the whole debate into "always hang the neut"or ā€œnever hang the neutā€.

I mean I did suspect him for scornedā€¦

What is the advantage in no lynching over lynching eevee seeing as he said he wont heal our power roles anyway, and can easily side with evils (who already have the advantage in this setup tbh)

I would like to not be blocked tonight so that I can prove myself.
As otherwise, NK and Unseen can keep on the low tonight and Iā€™ll be accused anyway, right?
Your plan literally makes it just so that Iā€™m killed.
Or is that your intention @Hippolytus?

Anyway, other than that, I donā€™t have much to say.
Itā€™s just as likely that Unseen hit an immune / healed person than they were RBā€™d.
So suspecting me is not wise at this time, before I have a chance to prove myself.
Especially when I normally lead in games such as this.

We are not nolynching @NuclearBurrito , so I suggest we find an alternative.
If people are against executing Eevee, then we shall decide on someone else to vote.
Either a policy execution or something with some backing logic

Well from what I see is that we get a neut who seems scummy or we can no lynch or continue discussing in a non stop debate (No reference from danganronpa AT ALL)

If Hip wants to continue to suggest executing me instead of allowing me to prove myself.
Then for them, itā€™s punishment time.
(Danganronpa it is =3 )

Let me think of everyoneā€™s execution HMMMMā€¦

I can literally make a list later once Iā€™m home.
I always think of DR themed executions for my friends tbh.
Mainly because of my passion for DR.

But please no spoilers for V3.

lol Iā€™m not suggesting you to be executed in just want you rbed.

You were rbed last night and only 1 attack was accounted for. You then claimed attacked and healed SUPER late which conveniently accounts for the other attack.

I would just like you to be blocked, and any princesses or maids to do you. Sheriff and observer shouldnā€™t bother though.

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If we want NozBugz to prove himself, he should try to make successor and having Eevee yolobomb him - sure we waste one night in not finding Unseen - but that removes doubt if heā€™s real sheriff.

Donā€™t worry Burrito. Iā€™ve got the biggest lead into whom the mastermind is. wink wink /s

Anyway. I agree ā€œneuts outā€ is generally in favor of scum, so iā€™m not really okay with hanging eevee. If i wanted eevee out heā€™d be dead today :wink:

Iā€™ll probably roll with the majority for now though.