SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Thought that might have been the case… Thanks for confirming Brax

But we’re not going to, it’s too risky.

I am the king…

You could be Evil King though.

You cannot vote Strange, they are King.

He’s king you toaster

Et tu Brutus?

We cannot go for King now…

But isn’t it like day 2 does the no voting king not apply?

It applies till Day 4 Brax. Always been this way

Smh I lose trust in PKR now

Oh yeah, D4 vote King.
So for me it’s a 50/50.
@Hippolytus @Damafaud which one of you should be spared and why?

/Vote Hippolytus

He doesn’t have the loyalty passive like in ToL.

Whats the converted Masichist?

Not that I have a lot from the start

Then why is pkr voting King?

I have lost my trust in myself.

Why Hippo? they voted an Alchemist. Why would an Unseen/NK vote a potential ally?

Mistakes happen, that’s why!
Everyone makes them.
Just like my overlook in results.
Yare yare daze

Also this.

Ffs stop deciding so arbiritarily on everything.

If there is no CC for my sheriff claim, why am I suspected? Everyone but me can be converted