SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Because he must have momentarily forgot that he was King, well, sort of forgot.

He knew it was King, just likely forgot the rules hiself because of this messed up conversations right now…

We need to vote someone Dama.
I need to try and decide something.
Do I not?

It’s a


(Tbh it is really similar to converted fool).


(Reading is fun. You should try it!

I never forgot I am king.

Nope. I’m totally prejudiced.

Why would I encourage everyone to keep you alive if I was evil?
Can you explain their logic to me as I don’t get it dude

Just maybe Noz is not really Sheriff because that move is waaaaay too hard to believe

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Why would Unseen / NK try and keep alive the potential Sheriff?
Still makes no sense.
So why am I being suspected?

Wait a minute most evils tend to be silent in my opinion.

So if the trick works here then…


You’re following the wrong meta here…

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@Strangle :thinking:

The trick does not work here.

Who’s suspecting you you wolf in swan feathers stuffed into a giant pillow case

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K k no more Tol logic here just Sfol logic.

(I’m catching up)
Is it just me, or is this an OMGUS?

So can we vote the king or not? I don’t see where it says I can’t.

He’s saying for me to be blocked.
(Which if Unseen are intelligent, they could manipulate it so they don’t kill and I get suspected)

Aghh this is annoying. I’m going to sleep. Good night.