SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Where in the rules does it say this?

Wait a secā€¦you guys saved me now I wish if we could whisper.

Well, in my case I was warned before the game started. That was just very unfortunate for me then


You canā€™t vote King till day 4

If king is convertabler combler in this game I feel as though he should not be immune too long

Itā€™s even in real TOL.

Iā€™ve never seen it come up in FoL before now.

Wolfyā€™s right.
Itā€™s always been D4

Itā€™s balancewise. If Unseen converts king, they can basicly do whatever they want, cause they control both lynches AND night (mostly).,

King not being executable if itā€™s convertable isā€¦ welp. Bad idea.

Braix please allow us to whisper.

ITā€™s been in the last oneā€¦ And the one before. Itā€™s just basic rules that we cannot vote for them, so we donā€™t bother voting for them!

Since lots of things are in ToL but not FoL and vice versa I saw no reason to assume the same rule applied

  • Day 4
  • Day 3
  • None

0 voters

Keep it fair and in line with the usual rulesā€¦

Itā€™s SFoL and in this rules it just makes sense for it to not be immune so long.
Balance is more important then tradition to me tbh.

CHOOSE NONE. Guys please

Thank you.

If no limits, youā€™re being voted Strangle.
Or itā€™ll be Hip / Dama depending on who gives worst argument.
Or someone else if something bad and scummy is said

Iā€™m going to head home, and if I find that this chats gone to hell even more, I will cry and eat my hatā€¦

No whispers in Sfol