SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Was I the only one to choose Day 3?


I need the trial for a good reason.

Good job(!) :clap:

If this goes any worse than it already is.
Iā€™m gonna be pretty sad.

I need the trial for me.

I could comfirm myself already but I would like to do it in a way more defensive matter.

Close poll

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Call this gamethrowing or near it but I need the trial.

Fair enough, Iā€™ll vote to close the Poll.

I meam day 3 is really fine here and I voted it too at first but changed to none as it has more votes.

/vote strangle

Why did my trial suddenly silence people?

What trial?


Learn already!!!

We voted to not have a limit. So I can vote now.

My trial I need it if I fail I made a mistake which you could call gamethrowing if I succeed then well I have to make it to everyones expectations.

What I want to know right now is:

You donā€™t want to lynch Unseen to not get more converts, right? So basicly you want to survive till you find MM.

But you want to lynch me to not get converted, wich with above tactic makes no sense cause you keep unseen full. AND you remive one protection wich can help you stay alive till you find MM.

See the problem with current attitude?


Iā€™m so dumbfounded right now when its basic rules in tol AND SFOL for king not to be voted till day 4.

Iā€™m abstaining cuz this is stupid right now, ESPECIALLY THE GOD DAMN EARLY SHERRIF CLAIM!!!

We literally just voted to ignore that rule. Did you not see the poll?

Braix is the host blame him now guys for gods sake vote me.