SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

I say kyo is pushing polik really hard, which is scummy, and the fact that he didn’t include himself in his statistics, which is scummy, and the fact that there is a bit less than 2/3 chance he’s scum (if his math is right) makes him a good lynch target

I am done I give in to the stupidty.

Its becuase im here

bet youve never had a game this chaotic

You are forgetting that I could save unseen from nk attack or PKR could be same case.

Believe me, we have…


No, make the prince execute him.

I read Kyo as Neutral-non killer.

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There with like 5 Neutrals.

Or another Alche? That’s also a possibility…

Neutral-non killer? Huh?

I am done with this statistics stuff.

As I said…


You’re pushing polil too hard

I have to say you are doing the same thing when I was scum: Making people unable to think.

@Kyo, not Strangle.

I gave my explanation above.
/vote kyo

If I get executed please execute Simon and Polik after.


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I am done I want no more statistics stupidty I am done.

/vote kyo

Also, if hes scorn them we know polik started as bd

sighs heavily

I think this is the first game i truely lost it…

/vote kyo

Wolfy let’s end the person who started it.