SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Is majority reached now?

No, itā€™s 6/8


Royal finger

Youā€™ve already used it on yourself.

Itā€™s a prank bro.

I think BD are pans tbh, but I also think Unseen are pans.


Why is the poll on bombing me 50/50

Why would eevee be sus if you die at night? He isnt going to protect you

i am a cheesypan

6 votes on kyo
and I think there is a vote on polik and simon still

Whoever voted simon everyone else please GIVE ME YOUR VOTES.

Because Iā€™m BD and theyā€™ve said theyā€™re bombing me. So, for being Anti-BD and bombing a BD, they will be Lynched

Marx voted simon and I dont think that marx is online

How many hours till the day ends?

Well, since youā€™ee pushing to hard on Polik, I have reasons to believe youā€™re Scorned, and Prince would be better jailing someone else for starters, and you canā€™t be bombed during the night

@eevee Please donā€™t bomb yet. Heal people you trust for now (like me :smiley: )

however I would not find it sus on eevee if you die.

If I was unseen, youā€™d be looking like my partner.

He said donā€™t bomb anyone, for one
And two, itā€™s benficial for unseen for him to bomb i think

It doesnā€™t matter how I die, I die anyways. Either through a bomb or through lynch.