SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

NozBugz is always trying to look obviously scummy as possible, means the opposite.

It’s hard to read sometimes.

Another reason he could be a good policy lynch. It’s not a meme

I still think the real Sherrif could be hiding somewhere, and it isn’t Noz, despite no one countering it

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I’d rather lynch one of the people who have contributed very little tbh.

The only setback is two days without execution. Unseen will be suffering on this too.

Unless this is changed?

Lynching noz is risky af cuz if sheriff is dead with no deputy we insta-lose tbh

I knew that anyway <3

On another note…
I want a physician to be on Frost
Frost to be on Prince
Kyo to CS.
Exce to be on Kyo,
Some observer to be on Noz if there’s one.

True, but Noz and Kyo are scum gut reads

Your plan is to leave the prince undefended unless there happens to be an observer. We have 3 protectives and none of them are on prince in your plan. That is so unbelievably scummy.

Frost should go on Marluxion idgaf what the others do.

Reading is fun, Hippolytus.

PKR told me to heal Prince at all times.


Umm Hip.
Please read my thing again.
I believe you missed it :expressionless:


But if we’re not going for Kyo or Noz, who will it be instead?

Due to sheriff being able to turn others into sheriff if he dies, im declaring sheriff un-unique!

Bit late for that, but makes sense anyway i guess…

I think we simply need to go with an idea.
Also @Braixen considering most people voted for 0 delay, when can we vote King
(This does not mean I want King voted right now.
This means I want confirmation)

Now and forever

/Vote Strangle

so it seems, my bad.

Yes vote strangle during kyo’s trial

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