SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Honestly… My top 3 unseen right now are Noz Simon and Damafaud.

So I’m fine with either Simon or Dama.

You see Marl, I read Dama as a null read right now in terms of Unseen.

I don’t think he’s scum right now to be honest with you. Even though he may be a null read to me, doesn’t mean that he cannot be NK, which I doubt is the case either.

I just need him to participate a little bit more

So the simple process of elimination according to Marluxion will be Simon.

If we could hang the nk today that’d be a 10/10 day imo.

And keep in mind i’m basing this purely off of reads so take what i’m saying with a grain of salt. I have no solid factual evidence on either of them.

I mean it makes sense right now considering that you’re Prince.

But still, I don’t like how Noz claimed Prince to you and then after he went full out Sherrif claim…

I feel like if you continue to jail people, there may be a chance that the real Sherrif will tell you that they are Sherrif. Just make sure not to reveal it as well. Only thing is, who’s telling the truth now. Is Noz telling the truth and he just made himself a target even though an Alche will be on them, or is he lying and is actually the Fool that outed themselves early to make as question this…

I mean since he claimed knight, he would have stick to it.

I’m reading Noz as Masochist to be honest. I think the sheriff claim was to keep him from getting hung during the day and encourage stabbing him at night.

But the lack of counterclaims is really hurting right now so we have to trust him.

So that indicates that Marl’s top scum read is Simon above other two, Dama being second.

Kyo consider himself lucky but I’d hate to see him die meaningless death caused by Wolfy.

I consider Noz as null tho… He just put up a suspicious play.

And consider Dama and Simon and somewhat weird…

How about polik?

Do you mean the regret when cs’ing a member of the Blue Dragon?

Polik is fourth on my top 10 best evil characters of 2018 list

Oh wait, that kinda contradict…

Welp, my bad wording…

Seriously though, I would rather go for Noz as I really believe he could be Masochist. I would ask the real Knight to Coldsteel him, but if he was killed by another killing class, then we have a problem as they become disguised as the class they get killed by.

Either Kyo Coldsteels Noz and allow the win for him, or we have to think about executing Noz so if we did have a Hunter or something in play, then it’s a problem sinnce it’s a unique class…


Right now if he is the Masochist right here…

I doubt NK or Unseen would kill him.

Should we waste a day hanging noz?

or just cs him or execute him?

For the tenth millionth time. Why would the real Sherrif claim this early, and why would the real one out themselves now with a potential fake one?

Therefore, I feel like the real Sherrif is doing the right thing of laying low

I think prince rules apply through FoL and Sfol of needing to wait for day 3 to exe for Prince?

If not, then I dunno what to do

We need to vote someone.
Who that is, is still up for discussion for now

I’m not saying that NOT counterclaiming is a bad play. I’m saying that since there are no counterclaims we can’t really risk hanging Noz yet. We can occupy and check him.

I think the real sheriff is playing fine not outing.

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