SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

What am I afraid of is that Marlux will be the next conversion target for Unseen.

Ah, now when you put it that way…

I need to check the cards quickly, check the MAsochist out…

Can MM convert today?

I doubt we need to worry about that right now…

Unless he was already converted and the Unseen got really lucky with that, or Unseen managed to get someone already

We do not know if they successfully converted yesterday.
So my answer is, perhaps

Cap at three if there is a successful convert.

If we killed Assassin, the new Unseen would become Assassin, and then MM will have to wait till night 4

Never knows…

But he was like an actual BD for now.

I’m willing to trust Marl for now…

If Unseeen managed to convert him already, then he’s screwed as he can talk as Prince two days, and then the person that got jailed can message them, only to find out they’re not Prince.

We still have one trial today, who should we put up though?

Unseen could get a lot of power if we didn’t put up people.

Okay so:
Frost - For now (Physician)
Me - Result was confirmed at least
Noz - Trust for now (Sheriff?)
Kyo - Trust for now (Knight)
Marlux - Trust for now (Prince)

inb4 your list is full of unseen.


Anyway, who’s supposed to be on Noz tonight?
Frost, right?

The problem to me is this…

What if he is Masochist? That will screw over or results if killed by a Unique class.

I guess him outing Sherrif is Kinda good as it means we cannot give Maso the win easily. I still need to check something

(forced to dodge a game in LoL ;-; )

Oh well, I will come back for a moment.


I had a read up. Masochist can be occupied, but the issue is if he uses death wish. It means that no occupy will work on him if he manages to get someone to redirect someone to kill him.

And I was right about smokescreen…

I would say Butler should occupy tonight, just to be on the safe side, and Alche on him, as I still don’t believe his Sherrif claim!

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One thing tell me nerves is that Noz is just scum.

Or could he be the BD with his trolly nerves?


I feel like he openly claimed because he’s hoping Unseen or NK will kill him!

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He claimed Knight in Jail for…

For fake claiming?

But he claimed Sherrif after Marl revealed he jailed Noz!

Is it wise for people to claim jailed on the start of the day?