SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Me too

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I think thatā€™s a slip thereā€¦

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Nah donā€™t make Wolfy a deputy, donā€™t fucking tell us who you choose.

Deputy must be used on the night you die

Noz Just slipped as not Sheriff.
Wowā€¦ Already like this?


what if I said that and I wonā€™t check them making them think I shouldnā€™t frame them but instead I do check them?

Honestly this is still better than that one time I was executed at random for no real reason.

Donā€™t try WIFOM against me.
Iā€™ll just grab the wine bottle and KO you with it

Oh noz :man_facepalming:


Who was right here guys about Noz being scum.

A slip like that confirms it.

Oh wait, it was me!


deputy is a day action that takes effect at night if I am killed. Trust me, a certian someone has been bugging me to deputy someone

/vote for executionary methods

@Braixen is this true?

To quote wolfy here

ā€œReading is fun, you should try itā€

the part about how Deputy works that is

Hereā€™s the card


@Braixen technically this is important for us to know.
So please confirm or deny that the deputy thing is a day action
(Note, accidentally pinged @Ashe )

Also, itā€™s brax

Ashe doesnā€™t know

Itā€™s not a night action, either Brax is running a bastard game or the public card is wrong