SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Okay cold steel PKR then.

See if I was fool I would say the same thing to mess with you guys, but I donā€™t think PKR is like that.

Weā€™ll exe and if you are fool I shall tip my metaphorical hat to you good sir.

Yikes, I know this is notoriously the fool day but come onā€¦

So am I. Too many things have been changed.

King being able to be lynched
Eevee not getting status report ect.
Your PMs supposedly messing up

His pms werent messed up he was lying lmao

and not any clarification I can CS n1

Knight can always cs N1 in FoL

This is my first time in a FOL/SFol game

I know but thatā€™s not braixen fault.

Still you did use Sacrifice rather than Cold Steel first night.

I know. Itā€™s the rolecardā€™s fault. I wasnā€™t blaming Braixen.

right time to edit this knight rolecard

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The Knight
Blue Dragon Killer
Sacrifice (Night) - Choose a player at night, if they are attacked you will kill the attacker, but die in the process. YOU CAN COLD STEEL N1
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player at night, if they are Blue Dragon you will die, if not, they will die
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

problem solved

Braixen wouldnā€™t have allowed to take out-of-date class cards from Jammy anyway - nowhere on Alfaā€™s class card thread shows Cold Steel canā€™t be used until Night 3.

I mean if Prince canā€™t exe until Night 3 because itā€™s common rule for BD killers not to go rampage, then why is it suddenly okay for Knight and Hunter?

But thatā€™s really angleshooty

So, although my word probably doenā€™t count for anything, he shouldnt lie about it

In-fact, it was not angle shooty at all.
It was all democracy. So technically itā€™s all of our faults that we messed up the game.

Pkr is on trial right?

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the fact that Pkr may have just not have received his results, or may have been waiting to come up with a fake? how is that not angleshooty?