SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

If he’s good king however, that will cost our occupying class as well. I’d say it’s risk worth taking.

We still have Wolfy and Marl can take over if he’s out of exes late game. So they know the next king has to be good.

Prince is still up anyway and we have a lot of protectives so it will be fine. I doubt he’s BD but there is a chance he is neutral I suppose.

Does butler die to killing neutral in FoL? I keep forgetting all the changes.

That is true, if Nuclear have declared Wolfy have royal blood then we know for sure.

So maybe that’s why Unseen doesn’t want us to know?

poor PKR.

I’ll probably be dead before i’m out of exes tbh.
And I just considered something-

In FoL can a scorned start with an assassin target?

Well well I guess /execute but we need to find the MM soon or else well the next convert is gonna go off.

Straaaangle we found the mastermind already.

Oof sorry I forgot.

Mind me being oblivious.

Well, a likely candidate for the mastermind anyway.

No guarantees until his card flips over tommorow.

Wait a sec but if the MM pulled out a convert the converted will become MM but he/she won’t be able to convert so I guess to be calm?

That’s why I’m jailing simon (the person we think is the mm (night immune and claimed scorned with pkr as a target) ) and not exe’ing him.

So we hang Simon tommorow is the plan, so the mastermind doesn’t change.

You will be in Oblivion next.

TL:DR of Today for anyone who doesn’t want to read all of the messages.

  1. Eevee isn’t an alchemist, but a Mercenary with Burrito as their contract. He’s searching for a new contract tommorow.
  2. Simon was attacked by both Kyo’s cold steel and AgentBoin’s poison bomb, and didn’t die. No one healed Simon, so he claimed alchemist. After being pressured by PKR, Simon changed his claim to Scorned with PKR and Kyo as his targets. Currently the most likely mastermind (in my eyes.)
  3. I jailed Dama and Dama confirmed that I spoke to him in jail.
  4. Wolfy is confirmed as a BD Drunk, no other possibilities.
  5. Tonight, Agent is going to heal Noz_Bugs and Frostwolf is going to heal me.
  6. I may or may not have unnecessarily outed Dama.

I don’t think i’m missing anything important from today?

So I should poison the king. Got it.

Btw anyone notice the mozarella knife being quiet and not getting accused at by the assassin


If I get converted I’m sending you off to void with my toaster.

I feel so useless.

I will became not so useless next next night, I guess.