SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

It’s not like Simon is going anywhere, is he?

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Frost is on the stand

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'nuff said


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I still find it odd that the assassin has not poisoned anyone.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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I really want to poison Strangle now.

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Ohhh I get it. If Frost poison someone and he doesn’t heal him, he can’t claim physician anymore



I don’t know, you should have poisoned the king while you still can?


Dama who you rb last night?

I’m really confuzled.

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holy shit stop liking my posts burrito


Holy shit, all my 26 posts


Were you roleblocked last night?


You kidding? If I did exume then that would have explained.

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Oh fuck sake I just reread my rolecard I can’t roleblock i misread it

I’m triggered now everyone vote frost and exe simon tonight so i can move on with my life

I occupied cheese last night

Did you use Pants on fire by chance?

Did you actually poison yourself?

Why the king? That would be Butler’s job.

Uh no, I can’t use it when I am on stand.

So…thanks for softclaiming for me :slight_smile:

We are hanging you anyway I just wanted you to do it cuz it would be funny af.

Legit tho why didn’t you nightshade that’d been great :frowning:

(if you did the host logs will find out anyway)