SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

I did myself claimed that I got poisoned but not because of you

Also I ice walled you last night so Wolfy couldnā€™t have visited you making your princess will wrong lol. Not that that matters anyway seeing as your CONFIRMED assasin.

You donā€™t know how Princess works and you donā€™t know how Court Wizard works.

So donā€™t making up shit :stuck_out_tongue:

I can already tell you are big fat sheep who canā€™t use common sense.

If you insist you going to block healing then Unseen Assassin will be step closer to win.

Clearly if Wolfy can visit but failed to do the action, itā€™s still visit.

You got baited by all my talk of noone being poisoned and got yourself.

What are you talking about? I got nothing about baiting.

You are not making any sense.

I got poisoned by assassin, thatā€™s the story you should believe. Your pants of fire make sure that butler canā€™t poison the king without killing themselves but the king will live. Weā€™re suppose to get rid of loose ends, Hippolytus. How stupid can you get?

And if you are going to ask if I can visit the king, the answer is No

Because I donā€™t have day ability.

So answer this question: Are you willing to put Pants on fire for luls but have no thoughts on consequences if Butler is the one who got backfired and alchemist wonā€™t heal him?

And having the BD lost this game, because you done fuck it up.

So unless Ice Ward is visitor immune, you can keep your stupid accusations in check.

Why the fuck are you talking about butler? You softed princess, claimed physician, revealed as assassin, claimed alchemist, claimed princess.

What has any of that got to do with butler.

Anyway as funny as it would be to have frost die to his own poison an alchemist might heal him which we canā€™t risk.


Inno on frost so Marl can do a day action of jailing frost. We vote up and kill Simon and marl exes frost tonight.

Also braixen the Prince not being able to select a target during trial has never been a thing and pretty sure you just introduced it now to try hinder BD.

I occupied Cheese.


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You should poison King today

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Why jail and exe frost? Why not let Noz check him?

Itā€™s fine. No amount of mod interference is gonna stop BD from winning this one anyway :stuck_out_tongue: Unseen need all the help they can get.

Iā€™d rather hang Simon today anyway.