SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

It’s for the greater good, strangle. Let it happen. /s

Perma protect on prince? Duh.
That is SLIGHTLY op

But hey BD won right? So yeah.

Inb4 I was a devout king waiting to be sacrificed.

Nah, Strangle is BD king

Actualy Strangle’s faction is testable by occupying me.


Actually yes it can…

In case you haven’t notices, the unoffical kings can’t start at the beginning of the game unless they are crowned from election.

Unless braix made it so other kings also have debt.

So Braixen is more than bastard enough as it is.

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Besides, not even the class card thread have unofficial king that can occupy–

Oh no…

Forget it.

I don’t occupy I prevent negative effects.

This is fun to watch

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You are Mad King.

Therefor the safe way to eliminate Mad King is to poison him.

But no, Hippolytus made dick move.

Mad king isn’t a starting king remember?

Braixen set his own rules and starting non-unique kings don’t have ability like that normally.

Frost I can see the desperation to take 2 people down but it doesn’t matter.