SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

never* god damn it grammarly

Simon should be on trial right now, and iā€™m about to sleep. I humbly ask the gracious god @Braixen to include my
/Vote Execute
since the trial should have started already :wink:
if it doesnā€™t get counted, i trust you all to make the right decision :+1:


Dama you should block agent in case he decides to yolo kill someone. Donā€™t trust them neutrals.

He have nothing to prove then, so he get executed anyway.

Forst I came up as sup/soc to you, so how the fk am I assassin if PKR was converted N1? Think pls ffs.

/vote simon

unless you say your own logs are fake which imply youā€™re assassin o/

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Your logic make no sense whatsoever.

Plus anyone can get converted.

Try to read, itā€™s fun.

Frost you can say try to read in a sassy way as much as you like, it wonā€™t change the fact you are talking outta yo ass.

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when PKR was converted n1 MM somehow converted me N2? and if simon flips MM he couldnā€™ thave done it on N3 so youā€™re just talking BS.

Also trying to frame your only potential ally may not be the best strategy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe Iā€™m the assassin now? And thatā€™s why I donā€™t want person who got contract to confirm me?

Cause noone could get contract to beging with? :thinking:

Ok nvm that logic I forgot PKR flipped assassin. But sitll itā€™s BS that Iā€™m assassin. Neither is cheesy.

I still find it funny that you think Iā€™m assassin, Iā€™d say noz can check me if that makes you feel better. Unless Noz already did.

Nah I got eevees contract alls good.

The heck?
I didnā€™t send it to you o.o

Or did I?

Me and eevee scum team confirmed?

You think poisoning the king is the best strategy otherwise?

Try again.

I have no idea what you are saying.

@Insanity if you are now Maid do you wanna be useful and use your day ability on Frost to prove he is a killing class to those who still donā€™t belive it.

Kontynuując dyskusję z FoL Class Cards (Now Officially Official):

Itā€™s a night ability btw.