SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Pretty sure I only count 5 total exes right now.

If we somehow donā€™t exe you tonight, AND somehow donā€™t hang you tomorrow, I am just gonna ice barrier you to stop you being healed tomorrow night.

oh and btw

Frost is

not royal.

Although he changed his claim from Alchemist -> Physician -> Princess.


Doing for fun.

im not dead as far as i know
at least not yet

mada mada

and that means?




You can use it even during trial? Impressive.

I am calling bad hosting.


But it doesnā€™t matter, we can end the game.

I am actually princess, used to be.

Why the host decide my royal blood doesnā€™t carry over is beyond me.

While I should have said that Insanity is faking it, but I got enough.

Because host allowed it and my royal blood doesnā€™t matter.

To be fair, I knew you were scum and Iā€™ve only read the last 600 odd lksts

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Why are you commenting if you are not in this game?

I got lost by the time host decide to screw me unfair.


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To be fair, you are known scum when you claimed princess.

And the debauch happened.

Debauch didnā€™t even worked lol

To be fair, Simon pretty much butchered his own team to the meatgrinder.

And I canā€™t tell if this is intentional gamethrew or simply have bad luck.