SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Oh yeah, forgot to say my night result.

Slept peacefully myself

Since this class has no passives however, that can be prevented easily.
But letā€™s accept for the fact that Eevee used Emerald on Nuclear and lived.

This early? I would personally save emerald potions in fol comaparedvto tol, as you can get more important info in days discussion compared to like 90 seconds in the day

I wasnt attacked btw

Just incase eevee is being serious

Iā€™m headbanging right now

Oh! I thought Eevee healed Nuclear and thatā€™s how he lived.
Eevee, was he Immune or was he Healed?

I protected Nuclear not attacked them lol

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@NuclearBurrito yoy are being a pan right now

Thought that was what you meant.

So Nuclear was attacked and apparently healedā€¦

Interesting. I suggest all conversion stoppers or whatever it is onto Nuclear.

I was not attacked and therefore got nothing about being healed

@NuclearBurrito you are seriously being a pan right now.

Do you deny it?

Oh I see where this is going.

That same thing that happened in FoL11


I cannot confirm or deny anything other than that I was not attacked

I can confirm that part tho.

@NuclearBurrito - are you 100% sure and can confirm that you werenā€™t targeted by any attackers?


No, seriously, thatā€™s impossible you got no protection message

I was not told about being attacked. I will double check by feedback message now

Yup. Nothing about an attack

@NuclearBurrito you didnā€™t answer my question. Read it again.