SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

The MM probably succeeded in converting someone meaning we don’t have to worry about conversions for the next few nights until we kill and unseen

Way too early to be considering a no lynch there nuclear. We still need to have others coe and, know what has happened to them and actually come up with a plan :thonk:

Unless you’re scum and you wish to move ahead quickly? :thinking:

I find it strange that there were no kills.

Oh and outside of Wolfy. I have my reasonings to why they might be BD.

My point is that even if we find an Unseen we should not kill them because we need to find the Mastermind spacificaly and killing the MM or assassin or even the convert now will accomplish absolutely nothing

Well, there’s a potential reaper in play. According to eevee, Nuclear was atatcked and healed, but that means that there has also got to be an attack against an NK.

If there is a reaper and they were attacked then that’s kinda good if you think about it. Means that they already lost a few souls to keep them alive

One killer might have been occupied/jailed too

Well, we would be better off finding the Mastermind around after night three, as it means that they won;t be able to get a new mastermind that are able to convert. Did you think that through?

So, if my suspects on who are BD are correct, we have a… let’s see

Pokeman Pan Ryan
are all possibly scum.

Let’s assume MM did convert, 3 unseen and 1 NK

4/10 chance to hit an Unseen/NK. (basically 2/5 chance of hitting Unseen.) Which is quite nice odds if you ask me.

Has anyone been reaped? This might be a problem, we do have a lot of silent players.

Myself included among them of course.

And the King can be scum, but I’m excluding him.

That also sounds reasonable, but thought to put the idea of a potential reaper considering it is a convert target as well now

I did. I’m suggesting finding them and JAILING/HHing him until we can kill him for good

If we kill anything other than NK right now then we won’t have accomplished anything

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I doubt Unseen would convert the King in the beginning as well if he did happen to be neutral or BD. Would be too suspicious, and consdiering FoL has no allies ability, they would not be able to recognise their own team members

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Not true. assassin can also be a good kill

Alright, as expected, I don’t understand where Kyo is coming from.
It’s illogical to be suspecting me at this point.
But, meh. Whatever

Agreed. Converting the King would be useless.

Did I get credited for once? I feel so happy :smile_cat:

So, let’s take this 2/5 chance my amazing mathematics skills has got us, which took me about… 12 hours to do 1 simple problem…

And execute a random person.

/vote Marluxion