SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

At least we know you weren’t reaped.


but yeah im not reaped , slept peacefully

Random vote on Marl’ with no evidence, really Kyo?

has strangle talked

I think so.

Yeah he did.

beginning of day cool cool

okay, im back from school, can someone real quick catch me up?


nothing happened

kyo voted marl becuase why the heck not

Unseen most likely have 3 members right now. If we execute an Unseen EVEN IF IT’S MASTERMIND then they will be able to convert again by N3 for an effective KPN of 2. Otherwise they would have a KPN of 1. That’s half as large I’ll have you know


Kills per night?

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A big FAT zero.

I wish. A convert is the equivalent of 2 kills

The chance of fool appearing is increased since PKR mentioned about occupied.

fool still has surpise mojo?

Let us just hope the Fool wasn’t converted.

It could be Butler as well, may not as terrifying for converted fool except the only difference is the loyalty to Unseen. the abilities are similiar to Butler.

so is today gonna be a no lynch day

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so does anyone have any ideas then