SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Who said that?

I must have missed it…

I have perfect evidence. And that evidence is mathematics

Th list that I posted earlier has possible scum in i, if all people I removed are BD/Neut then the chances of hitting scum is 2/5.

/vote @Braixen

Wolfy is fine. I refuse to vote Eevee, Wolfy, PKR, Hippo And Nuclear.

Uh, what?

Didn’t someone claim occupied earlier?

@orangeandblack5 OUTA THIS HOUSE

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Noo! Not orange!

You snooze you loose

Holy hell and damned heaven this GM is noisier than a soccer mom

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Should I press stop on my alarm instead then?

oh ok, i’ll be quiet

You could write 100 posts as long as it won’t give hints and stuff about things And I wouldn’t care.

I’m noisier than you anyways.

Also did I say I’m gonna die bcuz I’ve exposed too much info? This sucks doesn’t it

Totally didn’t just say that to get guarded/healed.

Butler, Fool, and Court Wizard are the Occupiers, right? Or did I miss a class?

Drunk HH, Poacher

So we either have a Fool, Butler, CW, or Drunk then

Would have notified you if you were drank with, us this correct Braixen?

I believe it’s maybe Fool or Butler. Haven’t saw what CW does.

Anyways, can we please put up this person that is silent and with a 2/5 chance of being scum?

Vote Marl people…

Yo. I’m not afk. And I have info. So is whispering a thing or nah?