SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Frost, look.
Did you or did you not heal me?
If you did, then it confirms what I said.
Lying isn’t pro-BD.

i still rather people stop claiming right now so Unseen has more convert targets…

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@Frostwolf103 just confirm / deny the action.
You’ve pretty much already claimed apparently.
So, we don’t lose much right now and gain me being able to do stuff.

I actually didn’t visit Marl, truth to be told.

Yes I somehow healed you successfully, PKR.

Alright then.
So Butler, stay off me.
There have been 2 attacks.
Assuming that Nuclear’s attack was caused by the NK.
It would mean mine was caused by the Unseen (The Unseen attacked me N1)

Can I have something that prevent me from converted, please?

Who first said frost healed PKR that came out of nowhere lol.

Fine don’t roleblock PKR dammnit (although his reaction to immediately vote me because I asked him to be blocked again was scummy af, I think PKR is actually arrogant enough to think him being rbed would lead to BD losing).


Wolfy if you are sheriff you should cc now tbh. If Wolfy isn’t sheriff I think it’s likely he’s scum honestly.


We wasted 1000 posts to get one trial going and we’re pardoning this?

Do you want CSed?

You can die trying knowing I won’t be affected but you will.

Perhaps. But I already know who I am CSing tonight.

@Strangle what is your take on this situation?

If you’re Knight, good luck with that steel on me

Here’s a problem. I can’s be Sherrif nor scum because…

Reading is fun. You should try it!

In other words, find the evidence yourself

Kyo is once again ignoring my warning.

Though to be honest guys, we don’t have a lot of time left. We pardon this, we won’t be able to get another trial started

72 hours when the day begin.

Still take two and a half day to end the day naturally

We have about 24 hours Frost…

Day began about 3pm yesterday.

We have till 3pm tomorrow to make a decision, so yeah… Not a lot of time