SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

you did this to yourself, pan…

Smites Simon and Kyo with a Tiny Bouncy ball

Too much egao

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hey, thats uncalled for!
you are kinda right though, this is sort of turning into a pandemic

alright, ill let myself out now

But you just said the word… ha your banned I’m now Host

Hey everyone I’m now in charge and Polik is the Fool and I used to be the Mastermind yaaay host abuse ftw

I need to get some sleep. Looking at my phone is straining my eyes and making me feel the blood through my eyes.



What is wrong with pan

I think Braixen has a problem with puns not pans :smirk:

You have a problem

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@eevee @Strangle

Confirm plz

generally, pankillers can pretty easily take care of the headaches

welcome all
throws dan

why you gotta do that to Dan?

because i’m that one man

he dan’t deseve that

Pandemic is spreading, amirite?

/comfirm Sorry for being late just had been busy for a lot of time but now I have more free time eyy.

I’ve woken up and I no longer feel straining eyes. Yay.
Eevee if you don’t confirm in 6.3 minutes I’m banning you from my minecraft server