SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

What else are we supposed to use when we have a Sheriff claim with no results?

The only reason why I donā€™t have results is due to Marl

I just realized that the Executive isnā€™t occ immune. You can occ Marl to see if he is still prince.


You what?!
How did you mess that up? :expressionless:
Itā€™s Day 2 Braixen :frowning:
It specifically says on the card that itā€™s a night ability

It says day abilityā€¦

How did you mess up babe?
Damn it all!!! :expressionless:

It is publicc. I did say it earlierā€¦

You said it was night ability later?

I never did!

That was someone else. I even quoted the card buff!

Ah, I see what you were confused about. He said he sent his deputy action which is a not a day ability

Bā€¦But you quoted the card and it said night ability

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Yes, I know.
Thatā€™s why you confused me.
Yare yare dazeā€¦ :expressionless:


What is going on?

I didn;t say night abilityā€¦

Even though I love you I still have to say this to youā€¦

Readingā€™s fun Ryanā€¦ You should try it :neutral_face:

Vote execute on Polik. Thanks.

Meanieā€¦ I donā€™t like you right now.

Also the Hell?

Did the card change?!?!?

/execute Polik

ā€œCheck a person at nightā€

someone claimed knight and was going to cs me?