SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

I knew the filthy beast was evil

Statistics FTW

Dont post


A Body was Discovered!

Nuclear was found dead in their room last night

They were the Maid!

They left a Journal: N1: damapan and Noz - Prevented

Eevee is a Merc. Contract the prince unless a sheriff claim gets confirmed. If so contract the sheriff.

You have 72 hours to discuss, vote, etc.

Attacking my contract twice.

You serious?

Actualy. Since I now know what Nuclear wasā€¦

@NuclearBurrito - you made massive missplay by not checking Wolfyā€™s Royal Blood during day yesterday.

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well, we gave them a chance to use deputy, and it apparently failed. Unless any prevalent info comes up,
/vote noz

Simon I dont think you understand how deputy works

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I mean, balancewise it made a lot of sense for me to start contracted to BD Investigative.

I even knew thatā€™s probably what they are, but still. Really Unseen? REALLY?

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i mean that he didnt die, not that he targeted someone unconvetable

Deputy is a day ability that when used limites your expert investigation to 1, but if you die that night the person you checked will become sheriff.

still, its what i said d2 and im sticking to it until new/more important info comes up

Whoever is contracted by me shouldnā€™t claim imo.
I will chose later today I guess.

Not gonna take any advice nor you canā€™t really force me who to chose, saying in advance.
This is gonna be my 2nd and last contract so gonna chose someone who has potential to live to game end.
(Not you Noz~)

Simon was immune t ocold steel

Hang him D4 in-case of MM

ALso Wolfy is 100% Drunk and not Masochist. Unless Alcoholic.

Yeah, I was redirected to Wolfy. He is drunk 100%

lol yeah not blaming you for not contracting me. Iā€™m just asking to die