SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

If Noz is checking Agent I won’t Cold Steel agent then. I’ll CS another person.

or protect

I’ll stoneskin and heal noz then.

or will you instead heal me

Well actually that was my original idea. After all I’m only certain of you and wolfy their classes.

If Noz was immune to two attack.

can he be the mastermind?

and I slept peacefully.

Aghhh I was jailed

I didn’t appreciate the private time with prince, you know?

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Insanity you high or some shit?

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Doesn’t Alchemist attack you and you are immune.

And Knight cs you, lol.

no, they claimed that they attacked me

you are talking about Simion, right



Consider it done.

And @AgentBoin @Simon If Simon is BD when we hang him on d4, i will personally jail and execute agent.

There’s a 1/8 chance Simon is Mastermind.
So, I would risk it.
It’s up to you guys what you think.

@Marluxion my theory is that if Simon is (The 7/8 other chances) not mastermind.
Then, it should be easy for you to imprison someone else.
We need to gather momentum here.
Wasting 1 night for Prince and 1 day for BD is terrible.

Mind running it by me how you got these odds?

Can you confirm Eevee’s contract or was that sarcasm earlier?

that was me talking to insanity

I know. Dunno why I quoted instead of just @'ing you :thinking:

i cannot/will not confirm a contract from eevee

“will not?”

but why even say that
that just implies that you wouldn’t contribute to bd even if you could.