SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

No offence Marl, but I don’t think you paid attention.

If I was Masochist, Kyo did reveal he coldsteeled right? Since I knew that, I could have redirected him into me. I would have won this Knight and been revealed as “Knight” due to smoke screen ability.

So yeah, I think that leaves only one option for what I am here :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well I was paying attention I just didn’t put 2+2 together. But yeah, that’s true.

But what if you thought kyo was trying to bait you into that and he instead was going to guard? :thinking: /s

Yeah, no.

When he says something and it sounds serious, it is serious. I played a few other forum games with him, so I know him a bit better. This may be his downfall soon if he doesn’t change his playstyle in the future

oh hi hippo

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I assume Wolfy is gonna be a deputy but everyone now knows this so you may wanna deputy someone else Noz.

Also PKR your interaction with Simon was the most shady shit I have ever seen. I really hope you are fool and that was just a sneaky play because if you really are unseen that was insanely obvious.

Also nuclears will says he was prevented N1. Was he rbed?

I didn’t remember him claiming is rbed is all.

No, i don’t think he claimed rb’d

He was prevented because I jailed Noz n1 I think

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He isn’t a fool.

Yeah, Marl, I think that makes sense actually…

He would likely have said he was occupied instead if he was butlered

I claimed occupied, attacked and healed N1.
Unseen wouldn’t go that riskily Hip.
Also, you seem quite intent on making me suspected.

I’m at school.
So cannot really get on and off pages easily due to poor connection.
I’d be surprised if this goes through.
Will post more when I have a better connection later.

Whos to say that you weren’t attacked by Polik and converted the same night? I’d like your actions for last night whenever you can give them if you don’t mind. I won’t rescind until then.

Of course.
I’m going to wisp whenever I think I’ll be attacked.
Probably wisping King.
As it’s more likely scum wouldn’t convert King
(As there’s already a chance that they might be evil to begin with)

Insanity -
NuclearBurrito - Maid
PokemonKidRyan - Princess claim
PolikShadowbliss - Possessor
Strangle KING -
Frostwolf103 - Physician
Wolfy - Drunk
Hippolytus -
Simon -
NozBugs - Sheriff
Eevee - Alchemist
Marluxion - Prince
Damafaud -
KyoDaz - Knight
3DT_CheesyKnives -
AgentBoin - Alchemist claim

For some reason, Kyo. You left Hippolytus out of this. Am I missing something?

Simon = Scorned Claim, too. not like it matters, he won’t be alive after tommorows court session.

I am confirmed as one cool dude.

Imma check who first mentioned that frost healed PKR N1. It’s possible PKR is assasin and Frost is convert covering for him.

I am pretty confident PKR is scum though. He was so obviously susp that it may be better to get agent to kill him at night. It both proves agent as alch and stops a potential fool lynch.

He isn’t fool. He was occupied.

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Oh in that case we shld probably hang him today tbh. We’ll wait for everyone to check in and discuss first though.