SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

You are more than welcome to check me Noz. In fact I make a pretty sharp shooting deputy :gun:.

Wolfy is 100% Masochist.

Says the Knight that confirmed me…

So are you contradicting yourself now?


Also, if you think I’m maso, go ahead and cs me. I just debauch you again if you want

Oh don’t worry. I’m cold steeling. You win if you are Masochist. I don’t care if you make me target you anyways, it confirms me as Knight due to

Confirms me as the Drunk and you as Knight no problem :man_shrugging:

So quite honestly, I want you alive.

Ok then, in that case…

I request a healer to be on me in case then if Unseen or Nk would like to take advantage

Braixen, if there were to be Multiple killers on the Masochist would it show both?

The kill would be random. You read smokescreen after all… :smirk_cat:

I don’t know whether to read you as scum or VI right now…

I also doubt Unseen/NK hitting you hoping you are Masochist to kill a Knight.

Tonight is confirming you as Drunk/Masochist anyway.

If your Masochist, debauch me and get your win
If your Drunk, don’t debauch me and if I hit an Unseen/NK I can out myself as non-debauched.

Unless you used your day ability!

Lol if any healers have healing Wolfy in their logs they’re getting day-viged too.

(I’ve stated it many times that if you use deputy you can only check 1)

Sure, and I’m the Time Lord(!) :roll_eyes:

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Braixen, if Wolfy is Maco and I kill him but there is Multiple Killers what shows up with Smokescreen?

It would get randomised. I believe I said that further up…