SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

By the way

I claim Mercenary



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I stand guard last night so Pug was prevented

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I visited Methnor and saw you visit him N2. Shouldnā€™t I have been prevented instead? I mean I know your merc Iā€™m just interested.

I can confirm the prevention on math last night. Dams is clear

Pretend like autocorrect didnā€™t butcher both of their names

You visited night though

You should have been.

Ask the GMs

What? No I didnā€™t. Did you follow me or night? If me, who else visited?


Dama is good.
Alright thenā€¦
/Vote Pug
Sorry buddy but if this is wrong, then I am getting a bit susp on Marl

confirm the prevention

Meth probably invested pug noz or marl and once he has said his results we will win.


Pug, Noz and Marl are my 3 picks for NK. Lol


Why would Pug said about being prevented if hes NK

As he couldnā€™t claim he visited someone and for our nightwatch to be potentially lying to catch him off guard

Noz is 100% Wrong. I was attacked and healed last night. Hang pug lightyeards before Noz

be quiet Fool.

no fools in my christian forum game

Whether Iā€™m a fool or not, NozBugz SUCCESSFULLY healed me last night. Unless you claim to have healed me also?