SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I bought the second game today. I’ll get around to playing it soon.

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What about me? Can I haz free danganropa?

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Does anyone ever find it funny that you can get free games just by being on the forums?

No. There are additional requirements such as knowing marl.

Not gonna lie, I don’t even know what it is
Some anime or smth

It’s an ace attorney esque game

Except with more psychopathic bears.

A) Do you have a serious interest in it?
B) Can you afford it yourself? :wink:

If A=Yes and B=No, sure.

Noz is support/social
I have to read the last 300 posts before I do anything.

Nothing too big there.
Yeah Dama is my merc, guarded me last two nights.
/step up

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reee why not let dama be king and infinitely guard you
poor kitty

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Looks like we’re hanging Pug after all

Or Marl

I’ve never execute a Marl before

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Nah, I’m confirmed as alch. Just ask PKR. I can’t be anything else

/Not Stepping Up
Just in case Wolfy is waiting for us to all say it
so we can start voting up pug

Sorry Pug.
But sadly Noz is clear

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Instead of just insta hanging pug, why don’t we push claims out of EVERYONE.
Since we’re not at risk of being converted anymore

We might find someone whos claim is more sus than Pugger’s

Who are we missing claims from so far?
