SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!


@PokemonKidRyan you want to learn the ways of the former MM.

Apparently Iā€™m actually a Sith Lord. So I can teach you how to cast lightning out of your hands.

Sooo, why did I turn from a Mastermind into an Electrocutionist?
I hated my faction that I created, you guys were repeating the exact same mistakes that BD made when they had control of this castle. So I didnā€™t want that shit to be allowed, soā€¦ Here I am.

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At least when I die, you can all learn the ways of the Sith Lord.

You can all shoot lightning out of your hands, just like me when I converted you.

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It was impossible to win as this class considering how underpowered it is.

  1. It is a Town of Salem port, ToSā€™ abilities are much more limited than ToL. So thereā€™s the first problem there.
  2. Considering how unlikely this class is to kill someone unless you charge them twice, it is very likely that the charge will jump. And it is a rare occasion for 2 to jump into eachother.
  3. Electrocutionist is probably the most UP NK in FoL, more UP than Druid because at least Druid has more control over kills.
  4. Itā€™s basically like the fucking lottery seeing if someone getā€™s killed by your electrical shock


The Sage.

You were the only one I taught because Ice is silly. (Despite my username for some stuff being FrostPug but thatā€™s beside the point)

You better replace that dumb ability with cool stuff.

Electric and Fire

The lesson here is to always trust hippos spidey sense.


Thank you Hippo.

You were correct.
ngl I played really badly this game and Iā€™m surprised I wasnā€™t caught much earlier

pug u fuk
i was trying to make people think i was the possessor (aka the only nk that can occupy)

/Vote Pug

Hippo, you are first to learn my sick electrical skills.

Nightwatch might need it for some future BD invaders, you know.

@Methnor decide this mans fate

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why would posessor be BD from Marshall tho


Hey Fool, idc about you



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yass I can light up the night now

btw, can we lynch Marl first.

PKR can bear me tonight

Give Marl that win

i just voted you up to trial
i donā€™t want your pity win


true, you donā€™t deserve it

You and me.

We both played pretty badly

We can if he wants tbh but the point of winning is earning it so I doubt heā€™ll care