SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Also, if no one else is occupied - the logic is that you are the insurgent.

Wolfing causes bleeding.
Nothing else does.
Why would ANYONE but Poacher, claim Poacher?

I slept peacefully. Wasnā€™t occupied.

You sir, did no wolfing. Remember?

Polik, please vote Sam.
We have a Sam/Frost scumteam and likely an extremely VI Noz as usual

I was imprisoned.
Hence I could not wolf.

This scum is getting so desperate, itā€™s sad to see him go.

If I get lynched here.
I will never play FoL again.
I will not play where people cannot use basic logic and reasoning
Noz is the exception as heā€™s always bad.
But you Frost? This is shockingly abhorrent for you

You refuse to follow this logic: You are imprisoned, what if no one else is occupied then what?

The Insurgent either hit someone immune or is jailed.

I rather pick the latter if the first option isnā€™t nightwatched.

Quite frankly I donā€™t trust you.
Not after last game.

Frost NEVER sheeps.
Yet sheeped openly a vote on me
Also, is trying to hide another possibility.
That the kill was healed

You donā€™t trust me?
In what way?
I was correct

We all know why you were correct.

Maybe? The Herbalist is free to speak that out unless he gets outed and eventually killed.

Not good idea.

Then why would he go out of his way to throw shade on Marl? He wouldnā€™t know that I checked him so the only good reason I can see is that he is good and had a read.

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Or the killer attacked PKR and was prevented.

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I believe you arenā€™t supposed to insinuate any cheating.
Especially since we were both found innocent.
Therefore I ask you take your perspective and shove it somewhere out of game

How should I know, all I know that imprisoned target with no unseen dead on the graveyard have to be considered suspicious at least.

I claimed Poacher.
As I said before
Follow the logical reasoning.
Why would ANYONE but Poacher claim Poacher D1?
Especially me

I donā€™t appreciate the meta, I really donā€™t.

Also, Poacher is not guaranteed to spawn.