SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Yes. To that point.
If Sam flips sheriff when voted up.
I have big suspicion on Frost.

Would go reverse - get Frost fist and then react to Sam depending on what he flips.

Okay thenā€¦
So, letā€™s set out scenarios

Polik, please do not throw baseless accusations when a game is running it is incredibly rude and it seems like youā€™re implying that I canā€™t keep a watch on this game

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Thank you Alfa for dealing with my mini report ^-^

I just realized that the title of this thread is a very well-done pun



Frost first:

  • Insurgent - Sam was 100% lying as I did not disguise BD last night :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Negotiator - Mechanicly Sam can be both Marshall and Sheriff BUT when jailed, he will NOT show the badge as he would be promoted to negotiator.
  • Unseen or Neutral - Sam is whatever

Sam first:

  • Marshal - Frost is Negotiator or Unseen or Neutral.
  • Sheriff - Frost is whatever, tho Sam cleared them.
  • Scorned - Frost is Unseen

Imo Frost should go first.

/Vote Frost
May I request we vote them up and then force exe so that you donā€™t turn on Unseen later.
As my gut is saying youā€™re not evil.
But maybe youā€™re cowardly

/Vote alfa

I would normaly wait for defense before executing, but if you wish so~ :stuck_out_tongue:

/vote Frost

iā€™m not voting frost

Why not?
When you caught them slipping?

Frost was clearly opportunistic scum there IMO
Sam too somewhat.
But as Eevee said, Depends on flips first.
If Frost flips good, Sam is probably good.
If Frost flips bad, Sam is probably bad

Frostā€™s flip gives more info than Samā€™s.
Itā€™d be best to vote one of them for associations

Well I am marshal and I checked Frost and he was NS. Just showing my results but now forced to claim.

You claimed earlier.
It didnā€™t reduce suspicion then.
It doesnā€™t now

I never hard claimed earlier, I just soft claimed like you soft claimed poacher but now and claim it.

I am fine with lynching Frost if that is what the town wants I am just showing my info.

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We all knew what you was claiming by your reactions and again I will state.
There is no difference between Marshall and Sheriff when imprisoned therefore you cannot be easily confirmed.
Voting frost gives far more info