SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Then vote him please Sam.
My thanks

/vote Frostwolf

He can be the negotiator or the newly convert (donā€™t no whether check or convert goes first soā€¦

To be honest flashing the bag can be used to check if someone is scorned, like if we are unsure about a marshal just kidnap them.

Sam. I would like to request this.
If Frost flips Scum like me and others think.
Then do you mind if we cast suspicion on You?

I mean if he flips insurgent or convert cast suspicion but of course negotiator or NK would be NS by a marshal.

However, by your own reactions today.
You have hard buddied to Frost knowing completely that he could be Negotiator.
This makes it seem that you are still on Frostā€™s side even with voting him now because of earlier reactions to comments.

Do not take this the wrong way.
However people slipped like that last game pretty hard.
Therefore I believe itā€™s possible that itā€™s happened here too

I just do not want a dead Unseen on our hands and then when I post my will and they see Frostwolf NS then I get lynched because I did not post my info and then we have a dead Unseen and a dead marshal.

You posted your info much earlier.
If Frost is Negotiator, you have some leeway.
Not much, but some.

However still anyway.
Reactions can say a lot and can be the difference between a game won and lost for town.
That is my PoV as a long term FoL and deception game player

More to check if they werenā€™t promoted to negotiator tbh.

Iā€™m thinking we vote Frost
Sam is imprisoned
I deal with Marl (Unless he claims today and his claim holds (and he will side Unseen if neutral))

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@Queen_Alfa @Wolfy just wanna check this too then.
If we execute Negotiator.
Then the oldest non-Insurgent BD becomes leader, right?

Therefore if it was a Marshall turned Sheriff turned Negotiator. They couldnā€™t badge show anymore, correct?


Slept peacefully

Also PKR, accept Monika and I wonā€™t try again tonight :wink:

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/vote Frost

also Kidnapper. To confirm Sam, kidnap him tonight

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Therefore this is a win/win if Sam is imprisoned.
In these scenarios Sam. I will pretend youā€™re scum (As per my read atm)

If Frost flips Negotiator, Sheriff!Sam would become Negotiator and not be able to show badge.
If Frost flips Insurgent, Sheriff!Sam is caught and auto executed as a liar
If Frost flips Convert, Sam isnā€™t confirmed. However heā€™s not auto suspected
If Frost flips Unseen, Sam isnā€™t confirmed, but should be trusted until other info is found

Yeah, thatā€™s right

MOnika or bomb itā€™s simple PKR

Did you just copy my scenarios?

Iā€™m proud of myself now. Duh.

Well, itā€™s just Monika.
So no harm in that