SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Was then unvoted revealing it was a reaction test and that they caught Frost scummily sheeping on me as everyone knows it was unlikely I was converted anyway due to the risk of a nightwatch being on me

oh, so iā€™m the latest vote already. Cool beans.

Marl. Look dude.
I had planned on being confirmed N1 end but was imprisoned so it had to be an inactive
I promise you on all of my career as a player of FoL that I am not lying.
I will let you guys do anything if I am

I am 100% Poacher and not spiritualist.
You have my complete word

/Vote Frostwolf
When this is a mislynch, youā€™re going to follow my wagon and leads from now on. Understood?

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I donā€™t make promises I cannot keep and you know that as you was at the end of one yourself last game.
Furthermore earlier today Sam and Frost was giving me Orange and you vibes aka really tight buddying despite scuminess on at least 1 side prior

If this hits scum you can wolf me for being sus or whatever but if this is a mislynch, Iā€™m the one driving this wagon tomorrow.

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Promise. As it wonā€™t be a mislynch because itā€™s clear what Boopy is and Frost was acting hella susp earlier as picked up by Nuclear

If boopy is the jailkeeper, then we have a scorned as the only person who could come up as BD last night is the Insurgent.

Debauch / Occupy Boopy to test if they are immune. They shouldnā€™t be occupy immune if they are actually scum.

Holy shit i just processed something that was said earlier
Illusionist can fucking duplicate a scornedā€™s frame
that is actually disgusting

Iā€™m Kidnapper lmao


Feel free to occupy her.
But not through immunity.
If she is Kidnapper, sheā€™ll still be able to execute Sam

500 posts while I was asleep hoo boy

someone gimme a summary please

PKR somehow knew you were the jailkeeper and we have a scorned in this game 100%. Did you tell PKR you were the JK? :thinking:

also weā€™re wagoning frost because pkr said so

Because Iā€™m Marshal and I checked you as BD last night.

Also apparently youā€™re supposed to Jail Sam

I didnā€™t but heā€™s known me for a while so probably inferred it from the tone of my message


Imprison Sam.
Vote Frost please.
Thanks Boopy :slight_smile:

/ :b:ote frostwolf

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