SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Considering I want to save my bomb I’ll not bomb you

Noz, if you’re healing PKR tonight. I’ll heal someone else

is that a train i hear in the distance

@eevee Nothing can harm you until D4.

Pray you don’t have Servant poisoning you.

Wait wait wait…
Pug, are you claiming Alche?

It’s the bullshit train. there is a Frosty Wolf driving it

Stay on whoever you healed last night tbh

He claimed Alchemist earlier yeah

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That’s 3 alche claims…
We found our NK.

Pug did.

Oh I see, counterclaims incoming…


just an incredibly unseen focused alch

or Noz is a fool which is why he was trying to get people to attack him d1

Polik. Did not require

Wait but I’m alchemist.

Not again.

haha what a funny joke.


Pug, Marl, Noz.
One of you is likely NK.
The other 2 of you are good.
So I request you all go on me tonight and a nightwatch, watches.
So that confirms you genuine ones. Thanks xx




3 alch claims great…