SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Just do it Eevee.
This is your best chance.
Side with Unseen and force execute.
You said you would earlier.

/decidefate pardon

If your force efe I will be sad D:

if you force exe. I will be sad and mad because I wanted to perform the kill

if you force exe. At least let me use my crossbow in his face

If Eevee force exes, weā€™ll all have some fun with attacking BDā€™s close to dead body

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I can serve him for dinner tomorrow night.

You want that?
or shall we have whale soup again?

I will cook some nice Frostwolf ramen

everyone in the court gets some of it

Who knows how Blue Dragon convert here?
There may be secret ways that we do not know about.
Therefore we have to be careful

They persuade Unseenā€¦
But how?

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or shall we just order papa johns like tonight?

maybe just like how the mastermind persuaded you to join unseen. A shame that mastermind guy is gone, he was cool

life sucked as a hunter for you, you were forced to use your own race to kill people.

Now you can use robflopā€™s people to kill

I miss him, he would always talk about how bad the Blue Dragon were but we never believed him.
Now look at this place.

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yeah, those dragons are such idiots.

btw, please donā€™t have a nostalgia trip if BD want you back

also who wants to hear lore about the Kidnapper

Noz using logic and promising not to be harmful to BD
takes off sunglasses
Dear god, heā€™s confirmed scum

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The Kidnapper is a hostage of the Unseen, feeling threatened that heā€™d get the axe if he ever turned.

But as he waits the cries of the Blue Dragon asking for him. He is ready for that day to return.

this was my outlook on Kidnapper.

as Prince was convert immune

6 executes.
Majority is 9