SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

A seems likely.
Until you consider that Sam seems the most scummy and ergo may be lying about his check
Meaning that maybe only Scorned needed to frame Boopy for Marl to be good

As long as I donā€™t fucking die to the bleed, sure!

I mean iā€™ll do it and we can negotiate me being healed afterwards

Assuming the convert n1 was successful. Negotiator canā€™t visit.
PKR would be told he was attacked in this scenario.
Scorned canā€™t have poacher for a target so it canā€™t EVER visit PKR.
What do you propose I am then?

I just checked with Wolfy and Boopy couldnā€™t have been starting target.
This complicates thingsā€¦

I was imprisoned. Therefore wouldnā€™t be told

NK? PKR would be attached. Unless Iā€™m druid/Electro but no targets have been marked and you would find out about the discharge anyway. Iā€™m 100% okay with a nightwatch on me.

No, iā€™m talking about TONIGHT. the plan for tonight. As Negotiator/Insurgent/NK I canā€™t ever attack you in this scenario because itā€™d mean death for me as youā€™ll learn youā€™ve been attacked.
Nor can I convert you as negotiator because he canā€™t visit at all if itā€™s on CD.

Iā€™m still confident on Frost being scum.
So once this flips and Ruby has Sam in prison with her, she can deal with him dependent on what happens

And if Nightwatch sees I didnā€™t visit you, you can hang me. I WILL check you tonight to prove iā€™m Marshal.

i donā€™t actually see a way this can go wrong unless iā€™m murdered

Strangle, Pug, Insanity, Marl, Me, Hip all voted Exe.
So 3 votes needed out of:

@PolikShadowbliss @NuclearBurrito @eevee @Jazz @Sam17z @techwolves @Methnor @Damafaud and @Ami

Eevee, just reduce it to 2.
Please, save us this time.
As then we can just wait for 1 more and let Noz hammer if heā€™s so desperate.

@PokemonKidRyan - I will help you if you promise to not do some stupid things like stealing neutral kingā€™s guard when he is attacked by Nk.


I canā€™t anyway this game as Iā€™m Poacher
So sure, why not?

Can confirm this is the case.

I promise not to do a stupid thing like steal your guard.
You have my word, my friend.

There is more stupid stuff you can do.

And last time you tried to enforce my votes you were scum. I really donā€™t like it, but whatever for now I guess.

/vote exe

I can be confirmed tonight so that way you know Iā€™m not scum <3
Thanks for being understanding

2 more votes needed!
Letā€™s do this people!!