SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

In anycase there is the possibility of someone ELSE being a scorned with Marl as a target.

But TBH he’s more likely to be fool

Hm we could have a enforcer cold steal marl


ya. Then we could have a Noz lynch for killing the prince.

And if said Enforcer suicides?

Then we know there is a scorned with Marl as a target and that illusionist targeted marl and boopy N1

Not that I know of.
To my knowledge nobody attempted to occupy me

Its better have marl be csed so that way we know if hes bd or unseen that way we know if we heal her tomorrow

Him fail XD

Didnt assume i put her by mistake

I am against a Marl vote.
If we are concerned about him then we have a simple solution
Nobody heals him.

We are not wasting today on someone if they’re bleeding. End of discussion

He does have a point.
We don’t need to CS him.
Just let him die.

Now then.
Can someone make a list of people who claimed bled please?
I am at work so cannot do much atm except small posts often

Y u working 20:30 Friday you barbarian

Other then marl i saw polik claim bleed I’m not counting self since im immune

Wait missread forget what i said

I am bleeding by the way.
There is no reason for me to lie.

Ok i thought i saw someone else claim bleed XD my bad

7 PM - 1 AM bar work, Hip.
To earn money for me and my previous one

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That’s why I may not be responding with as long detailed posts as usual and may request assistance in the form of searching for me

alright, shit went down.