SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I really really want to yolobomb you rn.

but I just don’t want to waste it.

You are a threat to my win as I need to just survive. At least let the Unseen siding alch win.

and heals are needed though.

So yeah, yolobombing you isn’t as important as healing like 5 bleeding people

I believe you could potentially be alch tbh. My spidey sense just told me you weren’t town.

Heal polik and if he dies from bleeding tonight we hang you tomorrow.


okay then. polik will be unbleeded.

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Has Dama claimed? Not at home can’t iso

not entirely sure.

Damas cool tho.

Dama suggested 5 people before.
I think we look into those 5 first.
We don’t have much other choice right now…

why tf would i claim the kill then? marl voted inanity because the pic was of Yuri

I’ve claimed, Ruby is dead, tech and pug claimed. Has Insanity claimed?

Who did I suggest again

@NightX is neutral but didn’t cc either alchemist claim so he might be NK.

Get him

Ur cool dw.


/Vote NightX

does this mean vote up @NightX

/vote NightX

/vote nightx