SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I wish they were too tbh

For example if all of the protectives are on PKT then so should the OBS to see who those are (and then the Illusionist and king protect 2 other people).


this is not BD

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No protective on PKR, let see him squirm

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Nuclear BD confirmed?

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nuclear sus af

Do you want to be victim number 1 of mine?
Iā€™m taking volunteers

Tbh I wanted the oposite.

I would protect selected person and illusionist doubling the protection.

Go ahead, attack me, you wonā€™t

Fine then flip it. Or use a different system entirely. If someone else comes up with the system then I canā€™t be rigging it.

I choose for us not to have a system as having a system risks giving scum an exploitation of it

Cause letā€™s be realistic - king protection is more useful then phys/knight as it stays on target. Just saying.

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Also guys, D2 Noz/Nuclear vote
D3 other


He protec
He attac
But most importantly
He do nothin


Strongly against. Your pushing me for trying to optimize our actions to give the most info.

because this sfol is more updated than ToL. would alch be bleed immune and be able to heal bleeds?

as Iā€™m too lazy to read the card. Assuming it wouldnā€™t though from my previous knowledge

Pushing you for that reason?
I do hope youā€™re not being serious Nuclear.
You arenā€™t pushing for that, your ā€˜pushingā€™ is essentially making it extremely difficult for everyone else.
Letā€™s not make it awkward.

Attac me. You wonā€™t

Save your attacks for Herbalist claims