SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I successfully visited Nuclear last night so this is BS.

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/Vote Insanity
Put pressure on at least guys.
Go go go!!

Yeah, we know heā€™s a neut.
But could be fool.
Potential BD > Confirmed Neut

He could also be the NK. Which we donā€™t know what type of NK it is, it could be Electrocutioner and blow up a bunch of people tonight.

Heā€™s NK

If heā€™s Merc he has no need to lie

/vote nightX Ez

Btw can @PokemonKidRyan provide a list of people that are confirmed not BD? @Strangle Claimed sage I think so he should WoF me. @Methnor what were you doing in my room? If you claimed Iā€™m sorry I must have missed it. If you didnā€™t then Iā€™m guessing you are a TP?

I would suggest to PKR that he Traps again.

I should have announced that Night has taken the place of Strangleā€¦

Oh my bad. @Strangle NVM Iā€™m sorry.

If another Sage could be on me that would be great.

I love seeing people squirm

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We need to get rid of potential BD before Neut Killer

I am the noot killer :wink:

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Can I be proud from my plan of executing now @PokemonKidRyan? Duh.

Important disclaimer:

Iā€™m going to my niece 1st birthday this weekend.
Expected activity: Very Low.

@Wolfy @Queen_Alfa

Iā€™m tempted to claim bleeding.

But Iā€™m also tempted to die.

Okay then.
I am now home and I can comment more
Eevee, I want your top Blue Dragon read

Tis true /Unvote

I think Nightx is NK

At this moment of time due to Damaā€™s logic
A scum will tend to be in the inactive pool in most games.
I can say I have seen this myself in games.

As a result, for me, the vote is one of the four who was accused by Dama unless we get a bigger BD read off another

We all do.
But still, we are going BD first so that no conversions happen.

Oh yea, PKR, donā€™t ask for protections if you are gonna spike trap. Duh.