SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

We need you PKR :’-(



Ok then…

You should join Blue Dragon, because it is not a dysotopia like what Unseen is.

You will have some blue name that looks pure, but not that purple-ish name that looks ugly.

You can be the legal hunter, not the illegal poacher anymore.

Enforcer can finally be a knight.

Aristocrat can finally be a noble.


So why not join our fresh, nice, beautiful BD utopia?

Hope you can join us in the next timeline.

I hope.


Purple is Cool.
hell off

Knights cannot Enforce laws.
and Noble doesn’t sound as cool as Aristocrat.
(both are rich)

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(I think this is fun to just hear like this.
To act like we all have a big part and make the end a little story)

Reminder that NK still exists

Purple > Blue


Reminder that Eevee is not BD, and is Neutral.

Filthy neut

I appreciate your honesty, my dear friend.
I shall strike a deal with you!
Agree to leave for now and I shall just throw you out so you cannot get back in when I go to ‘execute’ you.
I personally love blue more, that I cannot deny.

What is this great Hunter that you speak of?
I have always dreamt of one thing…
Yet it was forbidden by the Unseen because it was too irresistible to pet

Colour wise…
Blue is pretty much my favourite colour there is.
So the purple is better doesn’t even work on me xD

Don’t worry.

I will save and reload the next timeline.

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Just teach me of the hunter while we’re in this timeline
I wanted a specific pet which was banned by the Unseen.
If I could get that, it would be my dream.
I just want to see why being on your side is beneficial to us too from your own perspective

You can have any pet you want when you are the Blue Dragon. Don’t you want the wolf?

A w…wolf?
How do you know?
Have you been watching me just so you can please me?
If so… Then you blue dragon really care about everyone…
It’s such a shame that they call you evil when you’re kind here

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calls the guards to exectue pkr before he falls for the blue dragons tricks


(credit to emil macko)

Anyone who is not voting up Insanity will get instant sus put on them