SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

seriously though what does that stand for


Too wolfy to be a wolf
(Too scummy to be scum)

i like my acronym better tbh

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I’m just telling you what the term actually means

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What did I miss

Not much, what do you think each class should do is the main topic for tonight.

I’m not good at that kind of thing you decide


Oops sorry didn’t realize I left my comment open.

Town Protectives: All on NozBugz
Scorned Frames PKR
Jail me senpai
all enforcers yolo cs n1

what do you think of my master plan?

All joking aside, Sage barrier myself or PKR (I’m fine with PKR since he’s the obvious choice)
I do not require healing so heal your top town read
Kidnapper have a chitchat with NozBugz just to see what his dealio is (so we don’t waste time mislynching him d1)
otherwise use your abilities at your own discretion

You may not be too good at it, but let’s try!

How about

Prince jails one of the quiet players D1
Investigatives should check Pug or anyone they think suspicious
Physician can heal the active talkers
Nobles and Psychic should do whatever
Knight, Hunter, and Alchemist shouldn’t kill

PKR, just tattack me! you won’t do it!

how do you know pkr can attack

ALl killing roles on me, you won’t be disappointed!

inb4 Court Wizard or some bullshit

InB4 Noz is masochist

Sage rather